Tuesday 30 July 2013

Ways To Say “No” To Breast Cancer

Breast cancer in women has become common in last few years. The percentage of women suffering from cancer of the breast is higher in women using the age of 50 and above when compared with
women who are under the age of 30. The notice of breast cancer helps to determine if there are chances of you as being a victim of the same in future.

Food habits and nutrition
Food habits and diet play a huge role in breast cancer. Your daily diet will include whole grains. Vegetables and fruits like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach, grapefruit and raspberries ought to be included. Fish and milk products should also form a part of what you eat. All these food items are full of nutrients which help to lessen the chance of breast cancer.

Yoga and exercises
Aside from food habits, yoga and exercising likewise helps to lower the risk of breast cancer. Especially arm exercises that really help to stretch the muscles from the arms and also improve the blood flow of that area. This prevents the gradual formation of lump within the breast which is the root cause of cancer of the breast.

Say no to alcohol and smoking
If you wish to stay away from breast cancer then you must avoid alcohol consumption and also quit smoking. Intake of excess caffeine also boosts the risk of breast cancer.

No Stress
The quantity of stress level in people is growing due to hectic life style which again increases the risk of this disease. Any kind of both mental and physical stress should be avoided to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

It's important to keep a regular check on unwanted weight because excess weight increases the chance of breast cancer. Weight gain due to menopause in older women ought to be monitored.

Birth control pills are harmful
The chance of breast cancer is higher in females who consume birth control pills before they reach menopause and in women who haven’t had children before menopause.

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