Wednesday 31 July 2013

Effective Tips to Reduce Oily Skin

Oily skin will make your appearance becomes less than perfect, especially in hot weather. Sweating it will make the skin look more oily than usual. Then how to get rid of oily skin?

Oily skin is shiny skin that looks like smeared oil, skin feels smooth to the touch and the skin tends to be a lot of black spots, or commonly called blemishes, and also acne.

Some beauty products may help reduce the sheen on your face, such as the use of matte powder, mineral-based products and others. But actually there is another way to reduce excess oil on the face, here are the tips:

1. Avoid Using Alcohol-Based Products
Products with alcohol-based materials more suitable for dry skin conditions. Use of alcohol-based products will only trigger the natural oils in the skin to continue to produce more, and of course will make your face look more oily.

2. Use Water-Based Products
Use of the product with water-based materials is strongly recommended to reduce the gloss face, than products moisturizer and oil-based cream as it will make your skin more shiny.

3. Never Too Often Wash face
Most people tend to frequently wash their face to reduce oil on the face. And wash your face too much it will make the skin dry and produce more oil. Better to use cleaning products that are free of chemicals to reduce irritation on the face and does not make the skin dry and apply a moisturizer after washing face.

4. Balanced diet
Oily skin can also be caused by food. For it, reduce the intake of sugar, saturated fats and trans fats found in many fast food in bulk. Better, eat fresh fruits and vegetables that will help prevent acne and make your skin smoother and healthier and improve the production of sebum on your skin.

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