Friday 19 July 2013

Natural Skin Whitening Tips for Men

Natural skin whitening strategies for men - For a man, apart from having an athletic body, it's white skin and soft can increase confidence. Yeah right, white skin are some factors that can attract the interest of women.
But, what should you do if you have very dark skins?

As women, skincare and facial for men ought to be done routinely. No need to use expensive products or arrived at the beauty salon, but with medicine and regular face which was enough. Here is an ideas to maintain healthy skin on his face:

Washing the face
Use soap that is ideal for your men skin type. By washing the face after you indulge in the outdoors, it'll make your skin clean from germs and stop acne.

Eating healthy and getting enough sleep
Complete your diet plan balanced with vitamins and nutrients, specifically for men who is definitely more active, thus requiring nutrients and vitamins more than other women.

Avoid caffeine and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes would be the source of various diseases, as well as the root of many health problems, including skin. Since it was men should avoid these two, because it is not good for your health and your skin.

Tips for men
After you learn tips about maintaining healthy skin, here are a few natural tips for skin whitening for males
  • Materials for making a natural whitening cream is fresh lemon juice and egg white. Combine egg-whites and lemon juice in equal measure. Then heat the mix in a small pan. Wait until the mix turned into a semi-solid. Next, go ahead and take mixture from the pan and store it in to the jar. Cool the mixture and apply on the skin. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse.
  • Exfoliation is essential, if you experience signs of aging for example dark spots and freckles. Removal of the dead skin cells aim to stimulate the emergence of recent cells are more fresh. Exfoliation is conducted at least once a week. The results is going to be seen in a month. You can make an all natural scrub by mixing Two tablespoons of oatmeal, sugar, along with a quarter cup of milk. Blend the mix until it was semi-solid. Apply to face and massage inside a circular motion. Next, wash the face and apply a moisturizer.
  • Ready your skin whitening mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice, cucumber juice, sandalwood paste and lime juice. Now, use the mask on your face and allow it to dry. Then rinse and apply moisturizer. You’ll get maximum results inside a month.

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