Monday 8 July 2013

Best Foods to Eat During Flu

Having flu can loosen our capacity to perform our daily duties. Hence, it might be wise if we can come track of an immediate remedy to treat the problem. Luckily, this article brings the list of the best foods
to consume when having flu.

Ginger is generally uses to pacify the symptoms of nausea or stomach ache. Certain investigations indicate it also combat inflammation. You might improve its taste by powdered form or freshly shredded foods. Otherwise, you may drink flat ginger ale.

Garlic constitutes a good selection to add on the taste of your food for example soup. Garlic has immune-motivating and antimicrobial characteristics and may offer you minimal liberation from obstruction.

Herbal Tea
Hot tea, either oolong, black, or green tea extract, provides disease-combating antioxidants. You can even inhale its stem to experience relief on congestion. You are able to squeeze a lemon or placed on a spoon of honey to alleviate sore throat. You may consider herbal or decaf description if you're bothered by caffeine.

Vegetable Juice
Preparing salad to become eaten is perhaps the last inside your itinerary especially if you are still recuperating from flu. Rather than taking the entire procedure of salad preparation, consider filling out a glass of vegetable juice in low-sodium. Taking vegetable juice can facilitate immune-enhancing antioxidants. Additionally, it may keep your body hydrated. If you are desiring sugary taste, opt for a complete juice.

Chicken Soup
Aside from the fact the chicken soup can facilitate with hydration and nourishment, it's also capable of treatment and has serene anti-inflammatory results.

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