Saturday 15 June 2013

Foods To Help You Flatten Your Belly

Poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle and beer are causes of a big belly. An overflowing tummy isn't very flattering for both women and men. So how can you get rid of it? You are able to exercise regularly
and try to eat healthier foods in regulated amounts. And you can include in your diet these foods and nutrients to help you get a flatter stomach.

1. Avocado
Avocado contains glutathione which will help block certain kinds of fats and it’salso fiber rich that can help regulate digestion and aid bowel movement. However, you have to consume only ¼ of the whole avocado.

2. Celery And Fennel
Vegetables such as celery and fennel enable you to lose the extra water that the body retains by making you urinate regularly.

3. Nuts
These contain fat and contains elements that help trim down the stomach fat. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids that may control fat absorption.

4. Green tea extract
Green tea has been widely recognized like a natural way to lose weight. It can also be consumed to assist lose belly fat. Green tea has catechins and people help the body to burn more calories.

5. Yogurt
Not just is the yogurt a delicious snack, it may also help you get a flatter tummy. This can be a low-fat dairy product that can help people attempting to lose weight.

6. Berries
All berries for example strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and others are full of Vitamin C. Vitamin C help to fight stress, an issue that causes weight gain.

7. Water
Eight portions of water a day is very good for the body. When the body is well hydrated, you are able to avoid feeling hungry constantly. Water has also been known to cut the calories that you simply consume, just make sure to drink two glasses before you eat.

8. Peppers
Pepper, particularly red chili peppers are extremely helpful in losing that stomach fat. The antioxidant in peppers reduces the feeling of hunger.

9. Fatty Fish
Fish is excellent for your heart. It can also enable you to burn fat that you get from other foods. You may enjoy a flatter belly very quickly!

10. Grapefruit
This fruit’srich in Ascorbic acid and fiber that helps weight reduction. People that enjoyed their grapefruit after each meal lost more than two pounds.

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