Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Health Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women

Soy milk is a nutrient packed health drink which is gaining popularity among health freaks and the common man alike. Made by soaking, crushing and straining soy beans, this drink is a non dairy product and is safe for consumption by people who are suffering from either gluten or lactose intolerance. Most people prefer soy milk over cow's milk, because of no lactose content in it.

Health Benefits of Soy Milk:

Folic Acid
It contains folic acid contained in soy milk can provide very important nutrients for pregnant women. Benefits of folic acid if taken regularly from early pregnancy is to help the growth of nerve cells, so that development can run optimally on a fetus that she was carrying. If the optimal development of the child's nervous you certainly can be born imbued with intelligence.

In the soy milk was also rich in vitamins, while the good vitamins for pregnant women such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, and do not miss all vitamin E. Third vitamin is capable of providing adequate energy intake to maintain the condition of pregnant women to stay healthy and fit.

Soy milk is also contained in the protein content, the function of this protein to maintain a healthy organ in the body during pregnancy and can help control the development of the organs of the baby (fetus that our bladder) that can develop optimally. The protein content in soy milk such as lysine, glycine, isoleucine, arginine, threonine and others.

Usually pregnant women will often experience fatigue, and certainly in dire need of additional energy intake is different with people who are not pregnant. Therefore soy milk could provide a solution to carbohydrate intake for pregnant women so that the energy can be met.